Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I think I am finally organized enough to be a regular blogger.  I realized that while life is always complicated, it was my lack of organization that was making it difficult and complicated.  That realization made life a lot easier!

That's the thing about life - once we realize our part in it, we are free -- because we can rewrite our part!  We can choose to think and feel differently!  We can choose to get organized!

It's the staying organized that trips me up.  Our house is on the market and I swore to myself I would keep it "showing ready" -- that means hanging things up, putting things in their proper place, not leaving things all over the kitchen -- in short, being tidily organized.  Every day before I leave the house I am confronted with makeup and hair products, clothing, a jar of honey, a can of chickpeas I intended to use in some recipe yesterday, on and on.  So I put it away, telling myself the whole time, "I WILL be more organized and tidy tomorrow."

And I will -- because it is something I really want.  I spend a lot of time finding things on my desk, in my closet, and in the bathroom cabinets.  Tidiness and organization will help me recoup some of that time -- time I can use to blog, tweet, post, share, and just BE!

So here's to staying tidy and organized - keep me in your prayers!


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