Thursday, January 19, 2012

A labyrinth moment

This morning seven ministerial colleagues and I had the privilege of walking this labyrinth.  The labyrinth is quite old and is on the island of Maui, Hawaii.  The water you see is the shoreline of the ocean!

As we entered the labyrinth, our "pagan" priestess colleague instructed us to ponder this question:  "What is home?  Home is within each of us.  We go in, deeply, and we come back out into the world, but home is always there." 

The whole experience was wonderful and deep.  As I walked, I "tidied my home" by putting any rock that had rolled off back into place, picking up tiny bits of garbage, things like that.  It actually felt like I was keeping my own sacred home clean and tidy. 

When I came out of the labyrinth I felt washed clean and really, really clear on one thing.  My home is where I am.  It's where the love in me begins, and it's where the love in you "lands" when I see you.  It's where the heart opens and where I feel so safe, so secure, so Beloved of God that I can be really, truly who I came here to be.

So tomorrow it's on to humpback whales - there will be messages there too.  In the meantime, ask yourself: "Where is it I feel the safety of 'home' in my body?  In my life?" Home is sacred, holy ground - and it's right where you are standing.

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