Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Remembering, remembering

I know I'm late, but I have been thinking about Memorial Day for a week now.  For some people it's a day to visit the gravesites or other memorial sites for loved ones they have lost.  For others it's a day to honor members of the armed forces killed in action.  For some, it's a day to play golf!

I understand honoring the deceased -- I really do.  I understand missing them -- and I still miss my dad, especially.  And others, of course.  I understand the patriotic honoring of those who have been killed in war. 

What I don't understand is why it keeps happening with such regularity.  Isn't it time to move beyond killing each other over anything?  Isn't it time to stop sending our young people, our children, overseas to kill and be killed?

This is not an anti-military post.  It is an anti-WAR post.  There is a huge difference, in my mind.  I hope that someday we will evolve beyond even needing a military, but first we have to evolve beyond killing each other over resources, religion, insults (real or perceived), language, customs, and all the other things we have waged war about. 

It's time to remember that we are truly one, that we are truly in charge of our own evolution, and let God/Spirit/the Universe express through us as love.  Love.  Only love.

Be blessed!

Rev. CC

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

God will remember it

This morning, a quote from Frithjof Schuon:  "True charity [meaning giving to others] gives nothing without giving inwardly something better:  the art of giving requires that to the material gift should be added a gift of the soul:  this is to forget the gift after having given it, and this forgetfulness is like a fresh gift. . . .   As an old proverb has it, 'Do good and throw it into the sea; if the fish swallow it and man forgets it, God will remember it.'"

This "gift of the soul" is a fresh gift to the one receiving it, but even moreso to the one doing the giving.  Whenever we give with an idea of "keeping score" so we can be sure to get back as good as we gave, we tie ourselves up in knots.  When we give and then forget the gift, we instantly feel ourselves expanding, like a good breath expands.  We feel ourselves becoming lighter and more luminous. 

In short, God remembers our gift -- meaning we instantly feel ourselves more in touch with the Divine Presence within.  It is so simple -- yet often our first impulse is to note down our gift so we can be sure it really does come back to us.

When we just give and let the gift be, it comes back to us instantly as this "fresh gift."  And it comes back later with interest -- because that's the universe's law.   As we give (without thought of getting "equivalent value") so shall we receive (freely given by an always-giving God).  Let it be so!

Monday, May 9, 2011

What our friends mean to us

I just read a story about an antelope whose best friends were a woodpecker and a turtle.  One day a hunter came and set a rope snare, and sure enough the antelope got snared by its back leg.  Immediately, his friends sprang into action.  The turtle began gnawing at the loop around the antelope's ankle, and the bird flew to the hunter's cottage to delay him from coming to kill the antelope.

The next morning, the hunter came out and immediately the bird flew into his face, flapping its wings.  The hunter, thinking this was a bad omen, went inside and went back to bed.  Later, he thought, "I'll go out the back door this time."  The woodpecker saw him, and again flew into his face, wings flapping.  The hunter ran back into his hut, thinking, this bird really doesn't want me to go!  Finally, the hunter came out again and just kept walking.  So the woodpecker flew very fast, back to his two friends.

The turtle had almost gnawed through the loop - but his beak had broken and he was bloody.  As the hunter approached, the antelope leaped, broke the remaining rope, and bounded away.  The hunter arrived to find only a beat-up turtle.  He picked up the turtle and put it into his bag. 

The antelope saw that the turtle had been captured and thought, I must save my friend.  So he started to limp and stumble.  The hunter saw him, and put the bag down on the ground and started after the antelope.  The antelope led the hunter through the woods, far away from the turtle.  Then he sneaked away and ran back to the turtle.  He picked up the bag on the prongs of his horns and tossed it upward, flinging the turtle out.

The turtle slipped into the river, the woodpecker flew high up in a tree, and the antelope crept silently off into the woods.  The hunter returned, to find only an empty bag, some blood on the ground, and a single black feather.  He thought, I must hunt again and hope that next time I find prey that does not have so many friends!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Honoring ALL life

I know that some people think animals are just animals -- to be used, eaten, "managed" (a la the wolves in the western US), and farmed for profit.  I think they are life forms too close to us to be treated in these ways.  If we're going to eat them at least we ought to be humane to them before we do.  And we ought to kill them in ways that are not savage and pain-inflicting.

So I rejoiced when I read that the annual baby seal slaughter in Canada only resulted in the "harvest" of 7% of the total number of seals sanctioned to be killed by the Canadian government.  The demand for baby seal skins has been reduced, mainly because of the videos that have been taken and shown around the world -- videos of how those skins are "harvested."

The same thing is happening in other areas -- factory farming, fur production, commercial fishing.  We are seeing the results of our clamor for cheap eggs, meat and milk, and "luxuries" like fur coats.  When we actually see what happens, we lose our appetites for such things. 

Why?  Because human beings are innately good.  They do not want to cause pain and suffering to other life.  It is part of our makeup to honor life.  Some part of us knows we share it with every other living thing.   As we evolve, I believe we will find ways to act humanely in our food production and ultimately reach a balance of living on earth that honors every life, every animal, every plant.  We will be more joyful, less guilt-ridden, and more physically healthy as a result. 

And that will be a world that works for everyone, because as we evolve we also come to understand that our fellow humans, as well as animals and plants, are one with us -- all of them!  We come to know that it is okay for others to have opinions and beliefs that are different than ours.  We come to see that all these different faces, opinions, beliefs, and ways of acting are part of the Divine Panoply -- God manifesting itself in every shape and form and way of life. 

So I praise every step that is taken in that direction.  I am grateful that the seal hunt in Canada is coming to its natural end, forever.  I am grateful that we are now seeing the results of factory farming showing up in antibiotic-resistant meat in the store coolers and egg recalls because of salmonella.  What we do to them, we do to ourselves.  As we learn to be more compassionate we also are more compassionate toward ourselves.  As we learn to be more compassionate with ourselves, we are more compassionate with our fellow human beings.  We grow more loving and peaceful.  And when we do that, the whole world changes!

Blessings and joy,
Rev. CC Coltrain

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pattern and Perfection

The title of this blog is "A World That Works."  It is my intention to focus on things that help me to create a world that works for everyone, at least in my small corner of the world. 

Today I was reading the May "Science of Mind" magazine and found a quote from Ernest Holmes: 

"If I . . . can get back to the spiritual reality of my being, I shall be made whole, not because the spiritual reality is pleased with me or that there is a power which will do it for me.  Rather, it is because the divine pattern is perfect and when we stand in its light, that which was imperfect disappears." 

I love this -- it reminds me that we have the perfect divine pattern within us -- every single one of us.  When I stand in its light, perfection appears.  I can see it.  I know it exists, like the sun still exists at night - it's just on the other side of the planet. 

When I remember this, it doesn't matter that the conspiracy theorists are going wild about 9/11, Osama bin Laden, and whatever else they believe involved.  It doesn't matter that some are using the death of bin Laden to argue that we should send in more troops and "wipe 'em all out."  It doesn't matter that I cannot "fix" the frightened people who come to speak to me about their loved ones, their troubled souls, their fear of death. 

All that matters is that, as often as possible, I look from my place in the divine light so that I can see the perfection of the pattern.  Then, whatever words I bring are the right words.  Whatever attitude I carry to the day is one of peace and love. 

Today I invite you to stand in the light of the Divine Pattern.  Look at your life from there.  See how intricately and beautifully made you are.  Know your thread is an essential part of It.  You are the Beloved.

Blessed day,
Rev. CC Coltrain

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Life holds you in its hand

I read recently that most people would rather suffer physical pain than experience uncertainty.  Amazing, isn't it, when you consider that all of life is uncertain?  Being human carries with it all sorts of uncertainties -- about relationships, about jobs, about life itself. 

I also ran across this stunning poem by Rainier Maria Rilke:

You mustn't be frightened
if a sadness
rises in front of you,
larger than any you have ever seen;
if an anxiety,
like light and cloud-shadows,
moves over your hands and over
everything you do.
You must realize that something is
happening to you,
that life has not forgotten you,
that it holds you in its hand
and will not let you fall.

This is what the Spirit/Self knows.  Life never forgets us, never lets us fall.  The Universe is always there, offering us the gift of everything.  Fear and anxiety are simply emotions; we do not have to live by them.  When we get caught up in them, we actually make them worse.  I don't know how many sleepless nights I have spent after a small fear came into my mind and I picked it up and started listening to it.  Listening is like feeding the fear - it grows and grows and takes on new shape and new ominousness.  If instead I simply say, "Hello, friend," to fear, like I would say it to fondness, it is merely there, sitting quietly, instead of in control.

Learning to befriend our fear is not complicated, but it is difficult.  We have been trained to fear our fear!  That must be true if we as a society would rather suffer physical pain than uncertainty and its inherent fear.  Here's the secret:  It's just another feeling.  We have feelings all the time.  If we just acknowledge that, and let them flow through us while noticing the teaching they bring, then what was fear of fear turns into grace.

Remember, life holds you in its hand.  You are the Beloved.

Rev. CC