Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love is SO COOL!

I saw a Facebook posting today from a man listing some of the things he loved.  He ended it with, "Love is so cool!"  Yeah, baby.  Love is so cool!

It's even cooler when we treat it as a verb -- when we "commit random acts of love" during our day.  Send somebody an e-mail telling them you love them.  Take a moment to pray for all your friends or coworkers, or for the whole world!  Drop a card in the mail to someone saying, thanks for being part of my life.

Every single one of these random acts of love is powerful beyond our knowing.  Each one is like a stone dropped in a still pond -- it ripples out, and ripples out, and ripples out, touching so many people we can't even know.

Once, years after the incident, someone came up to me and told me something I had said to her -- one of those random acts of love -- had pulled her out of a dark place and reminded her that life was to be lived joyously.  I had no idea.

Your act of love will touch one or two people, who will touch one or two people each, who will touch one or two people, and on and on it goes.  Love multiplies itself. 

And then it finds its way back to you.  It may come in ways you would never expect, from sources you don't yet know, but it will find its way back to you in that multiplied state.  That's how the Universe works.  What we give, from our hearts, with no strings attached, is set free to multiply itself, to work powerfully in the world, and it returns to us.  "As ye give, so shall ye be given unto."  It's the truth, and it's so cool!

Put it on your Ipod, your Blackberry, your Smartphone -- an appointment to commit a random act of love each day.  Love is so cool!

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